Water Heater

Water Heater

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When the time arrives to update your water heater and install a new one, you can count on Modern Air Heating & Cooling. We will help you make the perfect selection that matches your unique needs and budget. From installing a gas line to adding an expansion tank, we precisely follow every specification to the last detail. Whether you are looking for a conventional tank water heater or a modern alternative, our expert technicians can properly install your unit.

Signs You Need a Water Heater Replacement

  • Your unit is providing insufficient hot water.
  • Your unit is frequently breaking down and needing costly repairs.
  • Your unit is over 10 years old, wearing out, and losing its efficiency.
  • Your unit leaks or is rusting due to water minerals.

Need Water Heater Maintenance Services?

Get In Touch With Us.


As a water heater ages, it can begin to leak, lose efficiency, or provide insufficient amounts of hot water. If you are noticing diminishing returns in your hot water supply, give Modern Air Heating & Cooling a call! We are available 24/7 and offer same-day appointments for water heater installations, repairs, or maintenance. Our fully licensed, insured, and certified plumbers will arrive on time and prepared to get the job done right!

Signs of a Failing Water Heater

  • Leaking Water
  • Randomly Shutting Off
  • Running Constantly
  • Increasing Energy Bills
  • Standing Water in the Unit


If you recently installed a new water heater or your water heater is in good condition—and you want to keep it that way—you need routine maintenance services. This is one of the best ways to avoid unexpected water heater failures and hefty repair costs. Regular maintenance also extends the life of your water heater. At Modern Air Heating & Cooling, we provide routine flushes, inspections, and part replacements to make sure you have hot water all year long.

Our water heater maintenance services include:

  • Routine flushes
  • Multi-point inspections that check for cracks, leaks, and joint gaps
  • Temperature and pressure valve safety checks
  • Part replacements
  • Anode rod examinations


We can service most types of boilers including gas and steam versions. We can install, replace or repair all makes and models of gas & steam boilers. If your unit is making a hammering noise, giving off too much heat, leaking, cracked or if there is any other type of problem contact us today.

Before the serious side of winter sets in, it’s a good idea to have your boiler serviced and repaired. Even if you don’t have reason to suspect that your boiler has a problem, if your boiler hasn’t been serviced since before last winter or longer, it’s time to give it a bit of a check-up. Boilers are a great alternative to other heating systems, and you probably feel that your boiler is an important investment that you made when you purchased it.

Tankless Water Heater

Using high-powered burners to quickly heat cold water as it is needed, a tankless water heater is the most energy-efficient water heater option. When compared to the conventional storage tank models, tankless water heaters are highly energy efficient, and that’s inarguably the most significant benefit. The units consume less power than the traditional water heaters because there’s no tank of water requiring continuous heating. Besides, instantaneous water heaters do not experience the same standby energy losses common with the conventional storage tank units.

Because tank water heaters are bigger, in certain types of houses they are installed in the attic. These tanks do have spill pans, but there is still a higher risk of water leaking down into your home if a rupture or leak happens. Because tankless water heaters are smaller, they’re typically not installed in the attic. This reduces the risk of water leaks from overhead.


Always On Time

No matter the hour, you can trust us to be there to help you when you get hit with the unexpected.

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