Tune Up & Maintenance


Our goal as your HVAC contractor is to offer the best possible solution based on our industry knowledge, expertise, and a strong commitment to energy efficiency. Our team understands the importance of proper maintenance of HVAC systems. Proper maintenance can help prevent costly repairs and help you save money in the long run. When your system has regular maintenance performed by a trained technician, it will not only last longer but will operate more efficiently for a much longer time.

At Modern Air, we want you to be as comfortable as possible at all times. Regular maintenance is essential to keep your HVAC system operating at optimal efficiency to provide you with optimal comfort. We’ll provide you with a full year’s worth of care so that your equipment can stay in the best possible shape and provide you with the best possible comfort.

Why Invest in HVAC Maintenance?

Let’s face it, a lot of people tend to write off HVAC maintenance as something that’s not worth the cost. But if you’ve been neglecting your units, they may not be working as well as they could be. As you use your heater and air conditioner, they accumulate dirt, dust, and wear and tear damages that impact their performance. These issues can cause your equipment to work less effectively and can even cause bigger issues to develop. Maintenance can not only stop these problems from accumulating but can catch developing issues before they become big problems, saving you money on repairs and replacements.

Benefits of Regular HVAC Maintenance Include:

Longer-lasting equipment

Maintenance can cut down on wear-and-tear damages, helping your heater and air conditioner last longer before they need replacing.

Lower bills

A clean and well-maintained system is an efficient system, and an efficient system is a cost-effective system that needs less energy to deliver quality comfort.

Better comfort

Well-maintained equipment produces less dust and more heated and cooled air, making you more comfortable.

Start taking better care of your HVAC system today!