Installation & Repair Services


We are proud to give our customers access to an impressive variety of services. Our highly trained HVAC technicians, who specialize in HVAC installation and repair services, provide the absolute best in customer service and workmanship when your system needs tuned-up to keep it in prime working shape for years to come as well as when it is in need of serious repairs.

At Modern Air, we pride ourselves on our integrity and our dedication to doing what’s right for the customer, which is why we never up-sell or use high-pressure sales tactics. Instead, we work to give our customers a realistic idea of the problem, the potential solutions, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

How to Tell If It’s Time for a Replacement

Most homeowners can’t tell if they need a new heating or cooling system, which is why it is so important to call a professional company for an assessment before making a decision. If your system is older than 15 years, you may want to have a new system installed because newer models are generally more energy efficient. Other signs that a replacement is in order include banging or clanging sounds, little to heat production, or dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide in your home.

Call Us Today For HVAC Installation & Repair Services.