

When the cold weather sets in for the winter, you know that nothing is more important than the peace of mind that your furnace will work when you need it. That's why all of our technicians have the tools and knowledge to solve any furnace problem you may be having. We’ll help you consider what makes sense for your bank account and the size of your home. We’ll also help you to understand what tax rebates you are eligible for. You’ll save money on your power bill with a new furnace. And with your new furnace installed and ready to go, you’ll be all set for this winter and many winters to come.

Most people don’t worry about having their furnace serviced until something goes wrong. Instead of waiting until it’s the dead of winter and you suddenly have no heat in your home, call us before it gets really cold. We can come have a look at your furnace and see if it needs servicing. Any repairs or replacement parts can be taken care of now, so that bigger problems don’t occur as a result of a lack of servicing. You’ll be confident that you won’t have a crisis during winter.


When something goes wrong with your chimney, our service personnel are ready to get it fixed quickly. We perform chimney cleaning services to remove flammable creosote and obstructions from the chimney flue.  This is very important because creosote can easily ignite and start a chimney fire, and obstructions will hamper the drafting of air and could allow carbon monoxide to enter the house. By scheduling regular chimney inspections, you’ll catch minor problems early before they turn into expensive chimney repairs.

A leaky chimney can point to a serious problem with the chimney’s masonry or a component such as the chimney cap or flashing  Call us if you notice water in the firebox, foul odors coming from the fireplace, staining on the exterior surface of the chimney or discoloration of the home’s walls adjacent to the chimney.

Ductless Units

Sometimes duct systems may not be very efficient in certain parts of your home that require ventilation and comfort. The solution you ask? A duct free split system, or ductless system. These stand alone systems can offer all the comfort of a central air system at the fraction of the cost. They also serve as a quiet alternative to a standard heating or air conditioning unit.

Duct free split systems provide convenience and aesthetic appeal to just about anywhere in your home where a conventional duct system would otherwise be impractical. A ductless system is also an ideal compliment to your already ducted system.

Tankless Water Heater

Using high-powered burners to quickly heat cold water as it is needed, a tankless water heater is the most energy-efficient water heater option. When compared to the conventional storage tank models, tankless water heaters are highly energy efficient, and that’s inarguably the most significant benefit. The units consume less power than the traditional water heaters because there’s no tank of water requiring continuous heating. Besides, instantaneous water heaters do not experience the same standby energy losses common with the conventional storage tank units.

Because tank water heaters are bigger, in certain types of houses they are installed in the attic. These tanks do have spill pans, but there is still a higher risk of water leaking down into your home if a rupture or leak happens. Because tankless water heaters are smaller, they’re typically not installed in the attic. This reduces the risk of water leaks from overhead.


We can service most types of boilers including gas and steam versions. We can install, replace or repair all makes and models of gas & steam boilers. If your unit is making a hammering noise, giving off too much heat, leaking, cracked or if there is any other type of problem contact us today.

Before the serious side of winter sets in, it’s a good idea to have your boiler serviced and repaired. Even if you don’t have reason to suspect that your boiler has a problem, if your boiler hasn’t been serviced since before last winter or longer, it’s time to give it a bit of a check-up. Boilers are a great alternative to other heating systems, and you probably feel that your boiler is an important investment that you made when you purchased it.

Do You Need Heating Services? Call Us Today.